Gratitude for…FROGS and FEATHERS…

For beloved readers and friends, I am grateful for:


I insist these are “spring turtles”, but he refers to them as TREE FROGS. Irregardless, the glourious-ness of their magical music, the rhythmic chirping, the collective excitement as they “sing” together” grants us HOPE . A light at the end of the tunnel. Because now we know..WE KNOW...SPRING IS HERE!! And the dreariness and daunting weather of winter is finally behind us…at least.. for this season.


A BLACK FEATHER is a sign of protection from your Angels. They are here to guard you and repel negative energy. You’re being protected by someone you lost or loved, you are not alone, and a sense of clarity is on its way.”

Discovered during tonight’s stroll along Holden Beach, NC….and to think…I ALMOST turned my nose up to it…


Um…esqueeze me?? Yep…read on…

Some of these other valuable-yet-unsexy experiences — being alone, maintaining friendships, educating yourself — you will never see them on Instagram because you can’t take a picture of them. It’s not something out there outside of yourself. It’s something you build upon within. And the first step to that building process is the day you realize that life isn’t about accumulating more experiences, but rather focusing extremely well on less.

~Mark Manson – ‘The Fear of Missing Out’

I have recently entered a situation requiring my caretaker responsibilities in sleepy ‘ole Winding Rivers Plantation on the NC Coast. Thus, embarking on an unexpected “sabbatical” from my life in “Sexy” Raleigh, which is chock full o’ trendy coffee shops, hip downtown bars, vicious traffic, loud & boisterous fitness centers, WHOLE FOODS – (oh how I miss thee!!).

HOWEVER, Raleigh does not offer me the opportunity to ….place my two feet on the sand, stroll along mindfully – sans the “red-zone-heart-pounding-head-spinning- SEXY” pace, alongside the healing sounds of crashing waves, collecting sea shells,

..and exist in total SILENCE, so that I might notice…


And maybe… this “un-sexy” living has allowed me to realize..

…that perhaps …5+ years of various attempted “remedies” , 5+ weeks of “in house” intensive treatment, were all futile attempts at a “cure”… because perhaps all I really needed was…

5+ weeks…..

in a sleepy ol’e town..

….strolling alongside an equally silent and mindful soul…so that we might mend 5+ years of a much neglected, strained and “bruised” relationship ….

…all the while listening to those TREE FROGs ….and collecting….


So here’s hoping that YOU beloved and devoted reader might:

  1. Hear the tree frogs…although I insist they are actually SPRING TURTLES!!! But regardless, enjoy their majestic sound, and know that ..SPRING IS HERE… and the dark days are behind us for now.
  2. Find a BLACK FEATHER. Or at the very least, know that there ARE angels watching over you..and YOU.ARE.NOT.ALONE.
  3. Appreciate..and your “Un-Sexiness”… ‘cuz I think I might remain in this “sleepy” ole’ town a little while longer… 🙂
And he is MORE THAN HAPPY…to join me on the back porch, for an “unsexy” cocktail hour…and listen to me read aloud

Until next time my loves..

5 thoughts on “Gratitude for…FROGS and FEATHERS…

  1. There’s nothing better than taking the time to heal and help at the shores of life. Many warm huggy thoughts and assurance that sometimes the sexiest of things are those of your own personal zen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANK YOU..I ADORE you and your appreciation of my words…I know you can understand 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Having lived so close to the ocean, I remember many times when we would take Patsy, the Beagle, to the beach in the evening and either fish or just listen to the movement of the tide. It had a way of washing away any worries I had and renewed my soul and spirit.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I found this simply sexy in a totally beautiful human way. May you find rest and peace at the seashore. Sounds like you already have good companionship. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much…I am honored by your compliment 😉

      Liked by 1 person

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