

Home to a writer, blogger, outdoor junkie, fitness fanatic, fresh air LIVE-FULL-ON-everyday-to-the-fullest-collapse-into-bed-every-night-exhausted…… enthusiast.
Hoping the CRAP-O-LA that falls outta this noggin o’ mine might encourage, motivate, or perhaps even inspire you, as I navigate, stumble, and face plant through this glorious wreckage of a life…..

Seeking enlightenment….from the spaces in between.


Why Bother?

My back is sore and my hands are cramping. Dust and grass clippings in my hair, dirt embedded under my finger nails, and pollen nestling deep into my lungs. I’ve been out here for hours, and every time I try to wrap it up, I see just ONE MORE weed…

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I planted this fig tree exactly during the solar eclipse last week, because I figured there was no better time to have my hands embedded into the earth then when the sun and moon are in perfect alignment. It feels so natural and intuitive to have my hands in dirt.…

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There’s no place like home…

I can see the pack of deer before she does, then… she spots them prancincg through the woods. There it is..the TAKE OFF. That carnal animalistic instinctive launch, the purest “fight or flight” only expereinced in the wild. But then, she stops, looks back at me as if to say…

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I struggle with .. Depression Anxiety Obsessive compulsive disorder Grief Loneliness Happiness Sadness Exhaustion ….and all the other myriad of emotions any functioning human being might experience in a given day. I get angry at myself for not coping better. But truth is.. We are ALL.. Trying… or trying NOT…

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The hardest part about medicine, …..is convinving someone they don’t need medicine. BUT…they stare at me wanting an answer, a pill, an antibiotic, an end to the suffering…. A CURE!!! WHEN will this stop? HOW MUCH LONGER will I feel this way?? Why is this happening to me? This has…

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This is a little diddy I wrote WAYYYY back in day ..back when I could do a lil’ sumthin’ on them trails. It was an email I had written to my training friends recounting a particularly grueling adventure race I had raced in the day prior. It was actually shot…

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Knock Yerself OUT…

Cleo and I usually have the trails to ourselves….we trot alone for miles.. and miles… and… M.I.L.E.S But not these days. Current circumstances have “forced” many new folks onto ‘”our trails”. And I have mixed feelings about this. Of COURSE…nothing makes me happier then to see people FINALLY appreciating all…

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Sunday BLISSFUL Runday

Another Sunday BLISSFUL Runday in the books. Mud so thick it threatens to suck me down into the earth, or at least, suction off one of my shoes. We slopped, slipped and spilled through this particularly gnarly trail, with a plethora of rocks and downed tress to traverse. Today was…

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I Keep Bringing up old SH%T..

A lil’ diddy I wrote back in June 2011, following a particularly grueling, and exhilarating, Adventure Race. Way back when … I could do a lil sumthin’ 🙂 Its almost a decade later, but I pulled it out, dusted it off, and “buffed it up” a bit. I got some…

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Why you keep bringin’ up ole Sh&T…..

Cuz SOMETIMES…the Ole’ SH&T…is the BEST Sh&T… The following is the personal statement I wrote when applying to Duke’s PA program in 2012. And…SEVEN years later…and it still reins true… So here’s hoping that YOU TOO might enjoy, or appreciate, a dose of this OLD-A$$ CRAP-O-LA….!! I once read a…

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KingMidget's Ramblings

Pull up a chair. Let's talk.


For Dog Lovers Only

Eating Disorder Recovery for Adults

Eating Disorder Recovery for Adults

Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine

A Poet's Place | Wolff Poetry Literary Magazine is Publishing Poetry Submitted by Published & Emerging Writers,

Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

Putting a Pin in It

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

My Path Back to Me

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

Giving Voice to My Astonishment

Observing, Gathering, Gleaning, Sharing


Words About Stories

Featured-Home – Geneen Roth

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

Blog Archives - The Perfect Garden Guide

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

14 Skills Predict Future Reading Scores

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Adriana Trigiani

" The space around a subject, NOT the subject itself, which forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape."

Go Jules Go

Author. Blogger. Chipmunk enthusiast.

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